Personal Branding Services


We work hand in hand with people to understand their passions, their fears, and their needs. We determine your style so that the image you project is coherent and instills confidence in your audience.

Wardrobe cleanning


Having a clean and organized closet has many advantages. We curate a versatile selection of clothes that can be combined into numerous outfit combinations

Limpieza de Guardaropa
Algido Personal Shoper

Personal Shoper

Image is not only fashion, as many think. We help you make more intelligent decisions when you buy; this helps train your eye and stretch your budget. Together we develop a plan of attack to determine what you really need to build your wardrobe.

Image Manual


We design a personalized manual for you image, with recommendations for clothes and accessories according to skin type, complexion, body, face, and style. The book includes life history, psychological profile, with a photo profile and portfolio.


Public speaking traning

Insecurity, fear of judgement, and excessive pressure are some of the causes of public speaking anxiety. We help you communicate with an impact, by training with start and stop lessons, nonverbal communication techniques, message construction, and crisis management.

Public Relations


Building trust in the business world is the key to reputation. We develop communication materials that contain data relevant for different audiences and markets. We prepare a selection of media according our client’s professional profile to strategically promote their public image.


Corporate Branding

The image is what will attract the consumer

City Branding

The cities is built from all and for all